Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Event in Fenton!

Well the weekend is over!
Time always flies when your having fun! I surely know that for a fact. I have met some wonderfully nice people, so warm, friendly and helpful. It was amazing that I went into this crop as a vendor, very last minute decision, knowing not one person and upon leaving I flet I had know these woman for longer than just a few days.

I have made an observation with all the events that I have attended in the past five years.
That most woman are eager to help each other out, learn form each other and to just give that little nudge of support when needed.

This observation makes me think that is must have been like this in the quilting bee days, when woman would also sit around and teach younger woman the art of quilting. The woman share stories about families, troubles that have been weighting them down, advice on what works best for color co-ordination, and so on.

We woman are a great communicators and these scrapbook events feed our habits and the need that we all have to share. I can honestly say that I am tired, and yet refreshed getting back home and seeing the family. I can look at the issues at home with a new fresh outlook, and ready to tackle the tasks at hand.

This could not be possible with the love and support of my wonderful husband! He is so supportive and encouraging in all my endeavors. I am so truly blessed!

I hope that all who read this and love to scrap as much as I do also have that love and support of their significant other in order to refresh yourselves!

Have a great day and like always I can't wait for the next weekend, my next getaway in Gaylord, Michigan. There is room for scrappers to join in on the fun! so if any one is interested you can just contact me and I will gladly give you the information, directions and costs.

Have a great day everyone!

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